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Social media and employee communications.

Is there any possibility to control the use of social medias by the employees? I think that it is a wrong question althought this issue is making a lot of HR managers (not only them) worried.

Technology is on an incredible evolution and there is a new generation of employees (the so called generation Y) that breaths digital technologies and social medias net working connections. And a lot of companies are still thinking as they can work by the old way of "comand and control". But that is a natural step by step evolution: many companies still have not enough matureness to face it. And that´s okay. No one should dive in unkown waters without understanding the new environment and the way it works. It´s a question of living within a new culture with new behaviors and new mental mondels. No one will be left behind on this but it is like a wave that takes time to reach all the coast.

And comand and control management style are a step behind. What is essential is to start talking and communicating with the employees about this new world of twitters, bloggers, facebook, orkut, you tube and this ten thousand channels of reciprocal influence. Every employee is now a potential publisher, an important opion maker. Much more than a passive spectator waiting the new duty to be done without questions or comments. So internal communication have reached a new era, far far away from just the delivering informations.

So welcome to the age of permament dialogue and feedback, of more awareness and less blind obedience, of more and more free opinions and points of view than speechlessness an its false agreement. Because with the internet revolution the gossiping from the aisles can reach the world. In just a few minutes (maybe seconds).

Social medias have come to change the way we work. Together and forever. So why don´t we start looking at them with fresh news eyes instead of an old George Orwell Big Brother? Social media and employee communication can be more useful than dangerous specially if considered not as a tool of control but as an open door to colaborative, integrated and enthusiastic way of getting the things done.


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