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Listen, listen, listen...and learn.

Last year I was pleased to take part in the International Program in Corporate Communications sponsored by ABERJE and the S.I. Newhouse of Public Communications (USA). One of the teachers was Gary Grates (president and global managing director of Edelman Change and Employee Engagement).

Since then, I have been following his ideas and texts published in his blog. This week I have received another one. It´s is simple, but precious. Some of the most easy solutions to face this economical crisis are trough communications. Serious. To rebuild trust for example, companies, gevernment and people (employees also!) should talk. That´s what I believe: corporate communications don´t start with nice bulletins or expensive videos and folders. It starts with dialogue.

So, Gary Grates wrote about it too. And there is a specific part of his text that I want to publish here. It´s about listening, a basical part of a conversation:

Listen: The first step is listening. It's an old adage, but there is much truth to it -- the key component to communicating is listening. This is not something the auto industry is used to. For years, the industry has been locked in a top-down, command and control communications approach. On some level, you can see why. The industry seems in a permanent struggle -- with unions over wages, with the government over regulation, and with foreign competitors over innovation and consumer attention.
But it's a new day. Taxpayers have skin in the game now. The industry must not be locked in opposition with its stakeholders; it must listen, and acknowledge that it is doing so. As so many politicians know, this strategy works. Leaders today don't stay sealed off; they do listening tours.

Read the full article at:http://edelmanchange.blogspot.com/


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