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2009: the trust factor.

The end is near...the end of this year, okay?

As 2008 is becoming history the question is: could you remember some promises of your company? Promises inherent to the core values of the organization?

Yeah, we are talking about trust...essential pillar of human relationship. Essential for our job as corporate communicators. With so many scandals and bad news in the corporate universe seen along 2008 I had to remember a great book: "Building Trust. Leading CEOs speak out: how they create it, strengthen it, and sustain it", a publication from The Artur W. Page Society (http://www.awpagesociety.com/) that I received during my specialization course at ABERJE and Syracuse University International Corporate Communication classes.

It´s is very simple: once you break the trust, once your are caught in an unethically operation it will be almost impossible to rebuild the value of your reputation. Steven Covey (the author of "The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything") says that when trust goes up, speed goes up, and costs come down. And that´s why the opposite can explain what is the cost of loosing trust.

So, what do you think? 2009 will be diffrent?

Is TRUST an essential pillar when we are making employee´s communications work?


Anônimo disse…
We MUST believe that 2009 will be different...otherwise how will we be motivated to continuous?
Trust is something that takes too much time to get but it´s necessary few minutes to lose, blow up.
Definitively TRUST in one of the essential pillar to make employee´s communication. So, we should believe that the companies will understand the importance of the TRUST, in theirs values, speeches and so on.
TRSUT = TRANSPARENCY that´s the way of the success.
Happy New Year! Milena Apolinário.

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