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Sustainability Reports.

As a general overview of the GRI Conference, held in the first week of May in Amsterdam, I highlight here some issues about the latest trends regarding the Sustainability Reports that conform to this model:

1. GRI is the report’s ground, not the ceiling – that is, to report on indicators is the starting point, the minimum. Expectations on the report go far beyond that!
2. An efficient management of the indicators is better than a good response – GRI is a tool, not the focus; companies must use the indicators to a better management of their businesses;
3. Can you believe it? – Readers do not welcome a report that shows only good news, advances and conquests. A crucial issue is: if you promised anything last year, you must fulfill it. If, for some reason, you could not accomplish that, explain why.
4. Make it crystal clear - Transparency is the most important issue regarding Corporate Governance. And please, do not start boasting how “transparent” you are. Let readers decide on that. As for ethics, behave exactly the same way.
5. New layouts – Creativity in the act of reporting is unlimited. Every format is accepted; the most important is that your message reach the stakeholder in the clearest possible language.
6. A, B, or C? – Apparently, very few people are concerned about the report being level A, B, or C. It is essential that its contents clarify the company’s moment and shows how its business strategy fits into the sustainability issue as a whole.

Needless to say that all employees must understand the company’s sustainability strategy and also their individual roles within this new management process.

Check more about the Conference and its main content and results: http://www.globalreporting.org/NewsEventsPress/Conference2008/


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