"What are you doing?" asks the slogan of Twitter. It seems a great tool to connect people by microblogging inside and outside the companies but it is also a way of controlling employees productivity hour by hour. As a digital time sheet, as a corporate kind of George Orwell´s Big Brother - isn´t it? So, what do we do in our office? Talking to a client, making a business plan, attending a conference call or a business meeting...or having a cup of coffee, talking with friends, going to the bathroom. Imagine a company where Twitter is used to guard employees on a daily basis. If someone goes to the bathroom too much, for example, the boss will know it. Isn´t possible to happen in some companies? Private or state ones? On that account, it is not the tool, it is the way the company operates that would make difference in using this amazing channel in a positive way. Not for controlling, watching or guard over but for productive dialogue, colaborative work and instant search for so...
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