Spooky companies. Do you know any? Well, I know some. A zombie company is a dead organization. No, it´s is not a closed business, much worse. A zombie company still operates and is also making money. A zombie company is a sick one. Inside these kind of organizations, workers are just spending theirs times pretending they really work there. They can even make some action, do things. But they don´t believe in anything anymore. The mission of a zombie company is impossible to be achieved becuase the employees have no more faith in what is said and done by their leaders. They are like living deads waiting for the pay check by the end of the month. A zombie company cannot talk anymore. Because they had nevere talked before. Why was that? They didn´t liked people! Amazing. Business is made by people and for people, but some companies hate people. Starting by their own employees, the first clients any company have. We can recognize a ZC from outside too: the core business itself sometimes sho...
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